Books for Salesman
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In his fifteen-year selling career, author Joe Girard sold 13,001 cars, a Guinness World Record. He didn't have a degree from an Ivy League school -- instead, he learned by being in the trenches every day that nothing replaces old-fashioned salesmanship. He insists that by building on basic principles of trust and hard work, anyone can do what he did.
This bestselling classic has helped millions of readers meet their goals -- and you will too. Joe will show you how to make the final sale every time, using the techniques he has perfected in his record career. You too can:
Make extraordinary sales happen!
In the Age of the Customer, sales effectiveness depends mightily on the buyer experience. Despite nearly-universal agreement on the need for creating value in every step of the buyer’s journey, sellers continue to struggle with how to create that value and connect meaningfully with buyers. New research bridges the gap and reveals the behavioral blueprint for sellers that makes buyers more likely to meet with them — and more likely to buy from them.
In Stop Selling & Start Leading, you’ll discover that the very same behaviors that make leaders more effective also work to make sellers more effective, too. This critical shift in the selling mindset, and in the sales role itself, is the key to boosting your overall sales effectiveness.
• Inspire, challenge, and enable buyers
• Change your behavior to build trust and increase sales
• Step into your leadership potential
• See yourself the way your buyers do
• Feel good about selling again
When you’re aiming for quota attainment and real connections with buyers, this book gives you the confidence and skills you need.
In Sales EQ, Jeb Blount takes you on an unprecedented journey into the behaviors, techniques, and secrets of the highest earning salespeople in every industry and field. You’ll learn:
How to answer the 5 Most Important Questions in Sales to make it virtually impossible for prospects to say no
How to master 7 People Principles that will give you the power to influence anyone to do almost anything
How to shape and align the 3 Processes of Sales to lock out competitors and shorten the sales cycle
How to Flip the Buyer Script to gain complete control of the sales conversation
How to Disrupt Expectations to pull buyers towards you, direct their attention, and keep them engaged
How to leverage Non-Complementary Behavior to eliminate resistance, conflict, and objections
How to employ the Bridge Technique to gain the micro-commitments and next steps you need to keep your deals from stalling
How to tame Irrational Buyers, shake them out of their comfort zone, and shape the decision making process
How to measure and increase you own Sales EQ using the 15 Sales Specific Emotional Intelligence Markers
And so much more!
Here in a short, compact and concise format is the basics of how to persuade more people more effectively, more ethically, and more often. Ziglar draws from his fundamental selling experiences and shows that while the fundamentals of selling may remain constant, sales people must continue learning, living, and looking: learning from the past without living there; living in the present by seizing each vital moment of every single day; and looking to the future with hope, optimism, and education. His tips will not only keep your clients happy and add to your income, but will also teach you ideas and principles that will, most importantly, add to the quality of your life. Content drawn from Ziglar on Selling.
The international bestseller that revolutionized high-end selling! Written by Neil Rackham, former president and founder of Huthwaite corporation, SPIN Selling is essential reading for anyone involved in selling or managing a sales force. Unquestionably the best-documented account of sales success ever collected and the result of the Huthwaite corporation's massive 12-year, $1-million dollar research, covering 35,000 sales calls by 10,000 sales people in 23 countries, into effective sales performance, this groundbreaking resource details the revolutionary SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-payoff) strategy. In SPIN Selling, Rackham, who has advised leading companies such as IBM and Honeywell delivers the first book to specifically examine selling high-value product and services. By following the simple, practical, and easy-to-apply techniques of SPIN, readers will be able to dramatically increase their sales volume from major accounts. Rackham answers key questions such as “What makes success in major sales” and “Why do techniques like closing work in small sales but fail in larger ones?” You will learn why traditional sales methods which were developed for small consumer sales, just won't work for large sales and why conventional selling methods are doomed to fail in major sales. Packed with real-world examples, illuminating graphics, and informative case studies - and backed by hard research data - SPIN Selling is the million-dollar key to understanding and producing record-breaking high-end sales performance
What's the secret to sales success? If you're like most business leaders, you'd say it's fundamentally about relationships and you'd be wrong. The best salespeople don't just build relationships with customers. They challenge them. Matthew Dixon, Brent Adamson and their colleagues at Corporate Executive Board have studied what determines the performance of thousands of sales reps worldwide and what they discovered may be the biggest shock to conventional sales wisdom in decades. 'The Challenger Sale' argues that classic relationship building is a losing approach. Every sales rep in the world falls into one of five distinct profiles and while all of these types of reps can deliver average sales performance, only one the Challenger delivers consistently high performance. Instead of bludgeoning customers with facts and features, Challengers approach customers with insights about how they can save or make money. They tailor their message to the customer's specific needs. They are assertive, pushing back when necessary and taking control of the sale. The things that make Challengers unique are teachable to the average sales rep. Once you understand how to identify Challengers, you can model their approach and embed it throughout your sales force. The authors explain how almost any average rep, equipped with the right tools, can drive higher levels of customer loyalty and ultimately, greater growth.
Most salespeople and sales leaders who marvel at the consistent year in and year out performance of sales superstars are blind to the real reason for their success. Unwilling to accept that the foundational root of all success in sales is a fanatical focus on prospecting, they waste time tilting at windmills on their quixotic pursuit of fads, silver bullets and secret formulas they believe will deliver them into arms of success with little effort. Superstars are aware that failure in sales is not caused by a deficit of talent, skills or training. Not a poor territory or inferior product. Not sub-par communication and presentation skills.
What The Customer Wants You To Know: How Everybody Needs To Think Differently is a book written by Ram Charan and published by Penguin UK. In this book, Ram Charan brings his expertise and explains how the crisis of a broken selling system can be tackled. According to the author, today selling has become a war of prices. Conducting a business transaction is no longer fun according to the author since most customers feel cheated by their respective vendors. In this book, the author states that the easiest way to avoid the hassle is to understand the customer’s point of view. He states that instead of feeling cheated, the consumer should look to the seller for assistance in today’s cost-effective times. The author brings in a new aspect of selling, which he calls value creation selling. In a comprehensive and lucid manner, he states that this process will lead to finding a harmonious standing for both the buyer and the seller.
The author, Ram Charan, is an experienced business consultant who is considered to be one of India’s prime speakers and writers on the subject of business strategies. He graduated from Harvard Business School. He has won several accolades for his work. In 2010, the Economic Times named him Global Indian of the year.The paperback edition of What The Customer Wants You To Know : How Everybody Needs To Think Differently is available for purchase online with an ISBN-10 number of 0143065688 and an ISBN-13 number of 978-0143065685.
A quick-and-easy guide to core business and career concepts—no MBA required!
The ability to negotiate a deal. Confidence to oversee staff. Complete, accurate monitoring of expenses.
In today’s business world, these are must-have skills. But all too often, comprehensive business books turn the important details of best practices into tedious reading that would put even a CEO to sleep.
From hiring and firing to strategizing and calculating revenues, Negotiating 101 is an easy-to-understand roadmap of today’s complex business world, packed with hundreds of entertaining tidbits and concepts that can’t be found anywhere else. So whether you’re a new business owner, a middle manager, or an entry-level employee, this 101 series has the answers you need to conduct business in a smarter way.