51K Forum Code of Conduct
51K Global Forum
To become the ‘numero-uno’ global platform for realistic, time-tested, qualitative and disciplined knowledge sharing and growing’.
Who can become member
Senior leaders, managers and executives of any organization
Senior leaders, managers and executives of Administration department of any organization
Owners of small companies.
To facilitate discussion on relevant topics for benefit of community by and large.
To provide platform for networking amongst professionals globally representing all industry sectors.
To help members get solutions and suggestions on real-time problems from experienced members of the forum.
To discuss ideas and freeze plan for skill development of people to make them employable with greater efficiency.
To work out plans and propose government about skill development initiatives in all levels of graduates, undergraduates and make them world class professionals.
To become and remain a family of values who stand by each other in times to come and has pride in association.
To spread this noble mission across globe for betterment of all working people and companies.
To discuss ideas about maximizing productivity from employees in order to help companies more efficient.
Strong value based networking of like minded elite Professional who are genuinely serious about growth of people and company
Solution to real time problems from experienced peers of the industry
Membership certificate in pdf format (Applicable for paid membership)
Participation in local, national and global events.
Forum Rules, Guidelines and Tips
The rules and guidelines are to maintain order and to let site visitors and members get the most out of the site. Forum Rules apply to all forum posts, as well as signatures, Private Messages, Personal Profile pages, and any other content you post or provide.
The Golden Rule – Be helpful, polite, considerate and respectful of others, just as your would like other to be
Courtesy: Treat others with courtesy. Avoid insults, profanity, "shouting" (LIKE THIS!!!), racial, ethnic, cultural, or other forms of intolerance, or any form of harassment. Do not purposely provoke or annoy other members.
No spam. All automated messages, advertisements, and affiliate links and links to competitor websites will be deleted immediately. Subsequently, such forum member will lose membership on repeating the mistake 2nd time.
Respect other users. No flaming or abusing fellow forum members. Users who continue to post inflammatory, abusive comments will be deleted from the forum after two warnings are issued by moderators.
Harassment. No threats or harassment of other users will be tolerated. Any instance of threatening or harassing behaviour is grounds for deletion from the forum.
Adult content. No profanity or pornography is allowed. Posts containing adult material will be deleted.
Illegal content. No re-posting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content allowed. Any posts containing illegal content or copyrighted materials will be deleted.
On-topic: Keep your posts relevant to the topic of the thread. If you have a different topic to discuss, start a new thread in the appropriate forum.
Advertising: Use of the forums for commercial advertising is prohibited, as is using the forums for any other form of personal or business profit or gain, or to promote a particular commercial business or service. If you want to announce a promote anything, check with an administrator first.
Free speech: The rules are not designed to censor opinions or promote the views of the site owners. However, keep in mind that you are a guest on a private website, so we reserve the right to remove content that interefers with the goals of the site.
Re-registration: If your membership is canceled, you may not re-register under another name.
Search first: Before starting a new thread on a topic that may have been discussed before, browse or search the forums to see if there is already a thread on that topic. Your question may have already been addressed, so you won't have to wait for an answer.
Thread titles: When starting a thread, use a topic that indicates the specific subject. This helps members know if the thread is of interest, and is especially important when other members do a search the forums by thread title. If you choose a poor title for your thread, the administrators may rename it.
Reporting Rule Violations: Alert Messages - If you observe a thread or post that violates the rules, or think that another member is habitually causing problems, please inform the administrator immediately in forum, sms, whatsapp or by call.
Spam - Unwanted advertising and messages with promotional links (spam) are a problem for every forum system. Most spam is created by "bots", automated software created for this unscrupulous purpose. If you see spam, please report it to us. We remove spam on a regular basis to keep the forums free of advertising. Please do not post in spam threads.
The rules and you: You are responsible for all of your own posts and for nobody else's posts. If somebody else breaks the rules, that does not permit you to do the same or to respond in kind. Instead, alert an administrator.
If an administrator removes or edits one of your posts (other than to make a helpful correction they think you will appreciate), it was for a reason in accordance with the rules. The reason for the edit will often be shown under the post. If you aren't sure why, review these rules since one of them applies. If you are still unsure, send a Private Message to an administrator.
Membership cancelation: The administrators may cancel the membership of a member who violates the most serious rules, repeatedly violates minor rules, ignores reminders or warnings, wastes the time of other members or the administrators, or shows disregard for the purpose of the site. In case of cancellation of the membership, no refunds will be made.
Contact - If you have questions or comments about the Forum Rules, see the Contact page.